Urban Renewal in Tirat Carmel​

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We are currently planning a comprehensive plan for urban renewal in Tirat Carmel.

The city of Tirat Carmel is undergoing a development boom which will double it's inhabitants in the next 10 years to about 70,000 people. In view of the need to strengthen urban coherance, improve public transportation systems, improve multi usage of public land and create a significant urban structure, the National Planning Administration and the municipality of Tirat Carmel decided to create a policy document for urban renewal - actually a master plan - for the two main older sectors of the city.

The work includes an in-depth analysis of the existing situation and the stipulation of planning principles.

We also lead the steering team, which includes transportation consultants, landscape architects, social consultants, economists and real estate appraisers. The team is working in close cooperation with the residents of the city and the real estate developers who are interested in building these urban renewal projects in Tirat Carmel.


In January 2024, 60 residents participated in a meeting with the design team in wich the plans were explained.






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Secretary - Shirin:      alonalifoffice@013net.net

Alona Lifshitz:                         alonalif@013.net

Vera Spivak:                               verasp@013.net

Yair Ben Gad:                            yair.bg@013.net

Naama Slosman:                    nslosman@013.net

Avishai Ben-Abba:       avisalon@netvision.net.il

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 Alona Lifshitz אלונה ליפשיץ